Equality and Diversity in the Public Sector – Fair’s Fair?

By law, all UK public bodies such as Councils or NHS Trusts – must comply with the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED).

The rights and needs of all individuals who work within this sector need to be considered when carrying out day-to-day work regardless of race, religion, gender or physical ability and also regardless of their role within that organisation.

To comply with the organisationʼs PSED, all staff have responsibility to have due regard to the need to:

  • Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other inappropriate conduct
  • Advance equality of opportunity
  • Foster good relations

For large public sector organisations, this may be a complex issue.

Training is required to ensure that all staff — regardless of their roles within the organisation — are aware of their own responsibilities when it comes to treating people fairly.

Engage in Learning have released a new course from “Equality and Diversity in the Public Sector.”

The practical course offers a common-sense understanding of how equality and diversity apply in everyday working life. The course emphasises that behaviours that support equality and promote inclusion also underpin successful performance.

With the public sector under intense scrutiny this training is essential in promoting diversity.

To work with others in a team means having respect for and actively building trust with colleagues, drawing out different perspectives, keeping an open mind and always looking for value in the different ideas and experience that each person brings to the table.

Having the self-confidence to challenge non-inclusive behaviours means having the confidence to express your views assertively and in a non-confrontational way.

The course demonstrates how to recognise the differences between people and get the best out of all personnel by creating an inclusive workplace. Everyone needs to contribute and by doing this course the learner will understand:

  • what equality, diversity and inclusion are
  • the essentials of the equality act
  • the benefits diversity can bring

To make a positive contribution to the workplace means being able to recognise issues of equality and diversity and be confident that you can do the right thing.

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